So I’ve successfully made it through another week on top of my game! I had a very minor hiccup but that was just due to tiredness and having lots going on this week! Everything seems to be so on the up again which is fantastic and I feel amazing because of it! I’m learning to understand when panic attacks are gonna happen and am using lots of techniques to work my way through them! I mean hell I’ve just got home from a huge day at club rugby finals, surrounded by LOTS of people (mostly strangers) and felt extremely nervous watching my boy, but used my techniques (mainly breathing and grounding) and felt on top of things all day 😊🎉. I’ve also had birthday afternoon tea, tea and lunch with Dad, Leonie, family and friends and coped so well during the past couple of days! Long may it continue.
At times I’ve done a lot of thinking back again this week….. What made me feel so low? How did this happen to me? I know I’ve done a few things that weren’t so good in my time, but hey don’t we all do things we regret? So how come I deserved to be faced with this obstacle/challenge in my life just when things were opening up for me and being quite positive! Reflecting back makes me sad, but also makes me realise that I am progressing lots everyday, I’m just still struggling a little to find my new path or the direction I need/want to head in next! I know this will happen when the timing is right of course and until then I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and attempting things that are now sometimes way out of my comfort zone and one day I’ll be able to say ‘mission accomplished’…… Honestly though I’m finding it hard to make my next move! I see a couple of things I’d like to happen for me, but how will I make this happen? Do I take the plunge and see if I float or sink or do I just keep things status quo and wait it out? Either way I hope I stay on top of my game!
A song that’s made me think a lot this week is The Climb by Miley Cyrus. It’s where I’m at currently and I just need to remember that life is a climb but the view can be great 😊. Over and out for another positive week!!!!!