Okay so this week has produced probably one of my most personal pieces of writing yet…. Parts of this has been hard to write and contains information I don’t think I’ve talked to anyone about – not even my counsellor, but I guess my mind is finally ready to share this stuff that I feel and think about daily…..
This week has been quite overwhelming for me for a number of reasons! I had my first marching gathering of the season and it’s fair to say I was a little disappointed and deflated with where that left me, but I know I’ll get there and be inspired to get back on the horse again! I just felt let down by myself and this is what makes it hard – one minute I feel on top of things and the next I’m at the bottom of the heap. I felt so down I wasn’t sure what I wanted to happen next!!!! Anyway Sunday night cue DWTSNZ!

Those of you that know me well know I absolutely LOVE watching dancing with the stars 🤩. I passionately watch it and get so involved! So this lead me to follow a lot of the celebrities and dancers on Facebook and Instagram. I have become a very interested follower of Suzy Cato partly due to her charity (The Mental Health Foundation), but also because of the inspiration she gives me in her stories…. she lets me know it’s ok to be who I am and have the problems I have and that I am not alone in dealing with this!
Anyway her story on Sunday really hit a cord with me (I’m not even sure what it was about now), but I sent her a message to let her know I appreciated what she was doing for the cause and all of us dealing with mental health issues. It was very overwhelming in a positive way to get a personal response from her not once but twice and real heart felt too! She is a huge inspiration to me, especially since she has similar passions to me in working with children etc… so in short if you watch DWTSNZ remember to vote for Suzy on 3333 – not only an inspiration to me but someone who is supporting mental health in NZ.

Anyway cue the rest of the week – Monday was a very low day and an I can’t even surface type of day – the first one I’ve had in more than a week! Tuesday was to start with another Access Bars session – I can’t say enough about how much this is helping me and making me feel different in a good way! Just yell out Taranaki people if you want contact details for a session right in your own home. Tuesday finished with a very generous offer of an amazing holiday from someone very special to me 😊. This is just what the doctor ordered I think! A break away from everything would be amazing – yes I know I’ve been pretty spoilt and had the most fantastic holiday almost a year ago but since I’ve been sick I haven’t been far at all….. anyway I’m still thinking on this as I am not much of a taker and more of a giver (as a lot of you will know) and struggle to accept people wanting to help me out!
This I believe is a hard one for me as my whole life I’ve always put others and things ahead of myself and the happiness I sometimes need. Most of you would say but you’re successful, own your own home and have an amazing family – all of which is/was very true, but there are some pieces missing from my puzzle! I guess this is all part of this journey for me and the next paths I need to head down in my life! I sometimes feel very lonely and like I’m an extra to some around me…. I just like different people to talk to and a change of scenery sometimes and that’s when I find myself feeling almost like a third wheel and not needed or wanted and like I’ve done something wrong to hurt or upset those around me!!! I guess it’s only the little voices in my head telling me this most of the time, but the feeling can weigh me down or make me seem as though I’m treading water and almost ready to sink! I do not wish this feeling upon anyone. It’s horrible like that feeling you get when someone doesn’t know you’re around and is talking about you…. you pretend you don’t notice anything and carry on with your head held as high as you can! Seriously though all I can say is if you want me in your life let me be in it and if you don’t just tell me, it’s easier than my head trying to figure it all out!
Anyway enough of that – cue the rest of the week with lots of cleaning, fun and laughter with some truly awesome people….. I’m loving getting sorted for our netball teams footy show act next weekend and yes it’s like a gala march – omg how exciting!!!!!! I also got to spend a day with one of my truly amazing people who has always checked in on me and helped me through some tough times…. Catching up on life with her and later on another friend too was so cool and it was great to have a giggle and think back to some funny things we’ve done over the past few years! It was great that we still had an ‘abort mission’ moment today too lol 😜. A highlight was visiting the SPCA and seeing the animals – so therapeutic – oh how I’d love a kitten 😩. Anyway much love to you all and don’t forget to vote for Suzy 3333.