I’m no poet but this is for you my dad ❤️🤗🥰. Love you forever and always xx
Every-time I close my eyes I see you
When I finally fall asleep I dream about you
It’s like you’re still here letting me know everything will be ok
You come to my door to talk
But when I open my eyes there’s no one there
This makes me sad all over again
I never realised how big a hole you would leave
I’ve even got out of bed to come and talk to you before realising it’s too late
I miss you every minute of everyday
I need you and your words of wisdom
Rest easy my dear and know I will always love you with all my heart ❤️🥰
Thats beautiful Melissa your Dad was a great Dad, Grandad, Husband, and Freind to everyone. I remember all the fun times we had with him in your Shed, Playing pool, dancing, good memories xxxxxx