Omg all this mental health stuff I’ve been reading with the Olympics is kind of making me very mad and sad. Criticism towards both Biles and Osaka, saying they only withdrew from their events when they did because they weren’t good enough. In Simone Biles case how can you not be good enough when you made the all around finals and as far as I’m aware all the individual apparatus finals too? Some people’s comments just make me feel very sick. One I read said she was knackered and needed a rest – those who really have mental health issues don’t feel like this…… WOW matey I’m sorry to say but I feel that way EVERY SINGLE DAY! It’s absolutely unbelievable, how do you know how someone else is feeling and what they are going through. I bet Biles feels huge embarrassment and disappointment in not being able to compete. I know I would, but I also know there are simply times I just can’t do it! Sometimes I need to just simply rest. Imagine being in the spotlight like this and not being able to just lock yourself away and hide (what I do many times a week when I’m simply not up to the day).
I have to say the thing I like the most about having my own business is working my own hours. If I get up and don’t feel on top of my game I can have a bit more of a sleep. Also I can do my work at night when I’m more awake and alert. Being an athlete at the top level you have to be on your game 24/7. I quite simply feel for her and Naomi Osaka. It takes strength to speak up and be open and honest about your mental health. There is still a bad stigma around it and some people certainly think you’re ‘faking it’. I can tell you nothing is fake about mental health!!!! I see these girls from the coaching side of sport too and I simply think and know from experience that it can happen with the click of the fingers. I’ve been on both sides of the coin as a competitor and a coach.
I’ve struggled my way through the past few weeks, just being thankful for my job and my marching. Aside from these things there’s not been much else going on for me. My mental focus and clarity has been weak, stamina low and I’ve not felt like a lot of outside interactions. It takes me a whole day to prepare for a work party, but I love doing them and meeting so many people to tell my story and share my journey with to hopefully help others. Yes I am successful but there are definitely days I don’t feel it and it takes lots of positive affirmations to get me functional so I can only imagine how these girls feel representing their countries and with the weight of the world on their shoulders while battling the demons in their heads.
The last 18 months or so has been hard in everyone, so think before you speak. Don’t dull other people’s light. Communicate how you’re feeling and talk to those who care for you. There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re down and out or that someone is working against you. Remember people all have things going on (most of it we know absolutely nothing about). Be kind, be supportive and most of all unless you know how these people feel keep your comments to yourself.
To finish off, I just watched Simone Biles win a bronze on the beam and she did amazing. She wasn’t at her usual best, probably because her heads not been 100% in it, but I cried for her. She had the courage to get up and perform in front of the whole world just a few days after having to withdraw herself. I was so proud of her as I am everyone that does their best and overcomes adversity. That’s all from me for know. Sorry for my rant 🤗